Leila bulling towne build a strong relationship with your manager course

When you hear the term "managing up," do you start groaning? Do you think you have to "play politics" to work with your manager? It is all about being the "favorite" employee, you wonder?

Well, time to stop groaning, and instead, it's time to start building a relationship with your manager.

Managing up isn't manipulation, and it isn't brown-nosing. Instead, it's about a relationship: building and nurturing a relationship with your manager.

This course will help you undo some of the wrong and old thinking you may have about working with your manager.

I'll also share strategies that strong leaders I've coached regularly use when working with their managers.

Your relationship with your manager is one of the most important relationships you have. This person delegates work to you, gives you feedback, and can play a role in getting you a promotion (or making it difficult to get one).

Hence, it's key you dedicate time to learning how to build and nurture a relationship with your manager.

This course will help you in your current role and future ones. I'll share information you will use throughout your entire career.

In this course, you will:

  • Learn why "managing up" is the wrong way to think about working with your manager

  • Assess the current and ideal states of your relationship with your manager

  • Realize how common misconceptions about working with your manager may be holding you back in your success at work

  • Grasp the 5 key facts about what "managing up" really is

  • Learn the 10 things managers want their teams to know about working with them

  • Refresh your memory of how to use 1:1 meetings to nurture your relationship with your manager

  • Tips on working remotely with your manager

  • Gain ideas on how to begin to advocate for a promotion

My POV comes from over 20 years of experience coaching founders, CEOs, CFOs, CTOs, and VPs. I've trained over 20K people worldwide, and that number doesn't include all of you, my Udemy students. I know what your manager wants you to do more and less of, and in this course, I'll share that with you.

I'm excited to work with you, and after you finish the course, I'll add additional content quarterly and invite you to free monthly webinars with live coaching.

Are you ready to take control of your career and build a strong relationship with your manager? Then, let's get started now!

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Are Your Company's Managers Pushing People Out the Door?

Most people simply aren’t given the time, training, and tools they need to grow into their potential to be an Awesome Leader.

build leadership 15 minutes at a time

Meet Leila, the coach behind Awesome Leader.

I wish I had hired Leila during my stint as a CEO.

“I looked back and realized I would have made better decisions faster. I understand why people recommend her.”

Venture Partner & Former CEO

She just gets how to help an executive run a company.

“Every time we met, I saved myself weeks of time addressing people and organizational challenges.”

Co-founder & VP Engineering

turn Mediocre managers into Awesome Leaders

Introducing . . . The Awesome Manager Program. 

We give your managers the key skills they need to lead. 15 minutes at a time. They watch lessons when they want and join weekly coaching calls.

Training managers is now easy! 

Inexperienced managers push people out the door.

They’re not doing it on purpose. Really. 

Half of your employees are already thinking about leaving. Research tells us again and again the #1 reason why people leave: it’s the manager who makes or breaks the employee’s experience. 

Awesome Leaders
Build Healthy Businesses

Reduced Turnover

Awesome leaders motivate employees, improve retention of top performers, and create environments where respect rules.

happy teams

Awesome leaders foster a culture that creates strong relationships—ones focused on execution and accountability.

Less Burnout

Awesome leaders increase productivity without burning the midnight oil (and burning people out).

Changing Behaviors

Wondering why we use animals—and why those animals sometimes wear glasses?

They allow us to lean into a person’s behavior without battling bias about what people look like.

They help you see your teammates (and yourself) based on behaviors rather than physical characteristics.

They represents different leadership styles, behaviors, and personality traits.

They speak to your fears and hopes about being an amazing leader. (yes, really)


Wouldn’t it be nice if someone just cut the bs and told you the dos and don’ts–when it comes to being a great leader? Subscribe for your 15-minute shot towards awesome leadership.

Each week Leila shares tangible advice with little to no fluff.
Each episode is under 15 minutes.

an Awesome BLOG

Grow as a manager with insights, tips, and stories about awesome leaders.

20,000+ awesome leaders

New Managers Need to Have
All Sorts of Conversations.

Grab the Top 5 Conversations for New Managers Guide to learn about the conversations new managers need to have—and with whom.


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