Considerando se as informações do texto a expressão bogof


39 pág.

Considerando se as informações do texto a expressão bogof


Humanas / Sociais

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D) os combustíveis utilizados nos meios de transportes poluem mais do que as indústrias. 
E) os maiores emissores de gases de efeito estufa na atmosfera são as usinas elétricas. 
Questão 67 (2016.1) 
Ebony and ivory 
Ebony and ivory live together in perfect harmony 
Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord, why don’t we? 
We all know that people are the same wherever we go 
There is good and bad in ev’ryone, 
We learn to live, we learn to give 
Each other what we need to survive together alive 
(McCARTNEY, P. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 maio 2016) 
ENEM 2009 a 2018 
Em diferentes épocas e lugares, compositores 
têm utilizado seu espaço de produção musical 
para expressar e problematizar perspectivas de 
mundo. Paul McCartney, na letra dessa canção, 
A) o aprendizado compartilhado. 
B) a necessidade de donativos. 
C) as manifestações culturais. 
D) o bem em relação ao mal. 
E) o respeito étnico. 
Questão 68 (2016.1) 
Frankentissue: printable cell technology 
In November, researchers from the University of 
Wollongong in Australia announced a new bio-
ink that is a step toward really printing living 
human tissue on an inkjet printer. It is like 
printing tissue dot-by-dot. A drop of bio-ink 
contains 10,000 to 30,000 cells. The focus of 
much of this research is the eventual production 
of tailored tissues suitable for surgery, like living 
Band-Aids, which could be printed on the inkjet. 
However, it is still nearly impossible to effectively 
replicate nature’s ingenious patterns on a home 
office accessory. Consider that the liver is a 
series of globules, the kidney a set of pyramids. 
Those kinds of structures demand 3D printers 
that can build them up, layer by layer. At the 
moment, skin and other flat tissues are most 
promising for the inkjet. 
(Disponível em: 
Acesso em: 2 dez. 2012) 
O texto relata perspectivas no campo da 
tecnologia para cirurgias em geral, e a mais 
promissora para este momento enfoca o(a): 
A) uso de um produto natural com milhares de 
células para reparar tecidos humanos. 
B) criação de uma impressora especial para 
traçar mapas cirúrgicos detalhados. 
C) desenvolvimento de uma tinta para produzir 
pele e tecidos humanos finos. 
D) reprodução de células em 3D para ajudar 
nas cirurgias de recuperação dos rins. 
E) extração de glóbulos do fígado para serem 
reproduzidos em laboratório. 
Questão 69 (2016.1) 
BOGOF is used as a noun as in ‘There are 
some great bogofs on at the supermarket’ or an 
adjective, usually with a word such as ‘offer’ or 
‘deal’ — ‘there are some great bogof offers in 
When you combine the first letters of the words 
in a phrase or the name of an organisation, you 
have an acronym. Acronyms are spoken as a 
word so NATO (North Atlantic Treaty 
Organisation) is not pronounced N-A-T-O. We 
say NATO. Bogof, when said out loud, is quite 
comical for a native speaker, as it sounds like an 
insult, ‘Bog off!’ meaning go away, leave me 
alone, slightly childish and a little old-fashioned. 
BOGOF is the best-known of the supermarket 
marketing strategies. The concept was first 
imported from the USA during the 1970s 
recession, when food prices were very high. It 
came back into fashion in the late 1990s, led by 
big supermarket chains trying to gain a 
competitive advantage over each other. 
Consumers were attracted by the idea that they 
could get something for nothing. Who could 
possibly say ‘no’? 
(Disponível em: 
Acesso em: 2 ago. 2012 - adaptado) 
Considerando-se as informações do texto, a 
expressão “bogof” é usada para: 
A) anunciar mercadorias em promoção. 
B) pedir para uma pessoa se retirar. 
C) comprar produtos fora de moda. 
D) indicar recessão na economia. 
E) chamar alguém em voz alta. 
Questão 70 (2016.1) 
Orientações a população são encontradas 
também em sites oficiais. Ao clicar no endereço 
eletrônico mencionado no cartaz disponível na 
internet, o leitor tem acesso aos(às): 
A) ações do governo local referentes a 
ENEM 2009 a 2018 
B) relatos de sobreviventes em tragédias 
C) tipos de desastres naturais possíveis de 
D) informações sobre acidentes ocorridos em 
E) medidas de emergência a serem tomadas 
em catástrofes. 
Questão 71 (2016.2) 
Mauritius: gender roles and statuses 
Division of Labor by Gender. The economic 
success of industry has led to low 
unemployment rates. This has changed the 
workplace and home life as women joined the 
workforce. This industrialization also led to 
women being promoted faster. According to the 
Minister of Women, Family Welfare, and Child 
Development, a quarter of all managers are now 
Women are the traditional homekeepers of the 
society. Between 1985 and 1991 the number of 
women working outside the home increased 
from 22 percent to 41 percent. With that trend 
continuing, hired housekeeping and child care 
have become relatively new and important 
The Relative Status of Women and Men. 
Historically, women have had subordinate roles 
in Mauritian society. However, the Constitution 
specifically prohibits discrimination based on 
sex, and women now have access to education, 
employment, and governmental services. 
In March 1998 the Domestic Violence Act was 
passed. This gave greater protection and legal 
authority to combat domestic abuse. In that 
same year it also became a crime to abandon 
one’s family or pregnant spouse for more than 
two months. not to pay food support, or to 
engage in sexual harassment. 
Women are underrepresented in the 
government. The National Assembly has 
seventy seats, of which women hold five. 
(Disponível em: 
Acesso em: 4 fev 2013) 
Questões como o papel de homens e mulheres 
na sociedade contemporânea vêm sendo 
debatidas de diferentes pontos de vista, 
influenciados por valores culturais específicos 
de cada sociedade. No caso das Ilhas Maurício. 
esses valores sustentam a tomada de decisão 
em torno da: 
A) importância do reconhecimento da presença 
feminina na estrutura familiar. 
B) manutenção da igualdade entre mulheres e 
homens no trabalho. 
C) proteção legal da mulher contra atos 
D) representatividade da mulher em cargos 
E) criação de auxílio à mulher abandonada pelo 
Questão 72 (2016.2) 
Anúncios publicitários buscam chamar a 
atenção do consumidor por meio de recursos 
diversos. Nesse pôster, os números indicados 
correspondem ao(à): 
A) comprimento do cigarro. 
B) tempo de queima do cigarro. 
C) idade de quem começa a fumar. 
D) expectativa de vida de um fumante. 
E) quantidade de cigarros consumidos. 
Questão 73 (2016.2) 
New vaccine could fight nicotine addiction 
Cigarette smokers who are having trouble 
quitting because of nicotine’s addictive power 
may some day be able to receive a novel 
antibody-producing vaccine to help them kick 
the habit. 
The average cigarette contains about 4,000 
different chemicals that — when burned and 
inhaled — cause the serious health problems 
associated with smoking. But it is the nicotine in 
cigarettes that, like other addictive substances, 
stimulates rewards centers in the brain and 
ENEM 2009 a 2018 
hooks smokers to the pleasurable but 
dangerous routine. 
Ronald Crystal, who chairs the department of 
genetic medicine at Weill-Comell Medical 
College in New York, where researchers are 