Which source would best help a historian understand how the great chicago fire affected families

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Which document is considered a primary source from the Civil War?

A primary source such Abraham Lincoln’s “Emancipation Proclamation ” issued January 1 1863 is a primary source but it is also a primary source when republished in 1963.

The primary source document that could help a historian understand why the US Civil War started is a Charleston Mercury editorial published in 1860 because it contains factual accounts of the events during that time.

Which source would best help a historian understand the effect of the Great Chicago Fire on families?

An oral history dictated by an adolescent who fled the fire is the source that would best help a historian understand how the Great Chicago Fire affected families.

Why is this letter an important primary source document?

Answer: Generally speaking letters are used as historical evidence or evidence in legal cases. … This should identify with historical events so that it meets proper arrangement in reading historical events and best source is books. Otherwise newspaper account is also written when the event unfolded.

Is a biography a primary source?

For example an autobiography is a primary source while a biography is a secondary source. Typical secondary sources include: Scholarly Journal Articles. Use these and books exclusively for writing Literature Reviews.

What is one type of primary source that historians use to learn about life during the Civil War?

Books diaries sheet music maps letters photographs and illustrations provide glimpses of everyday life during the Civil War.

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Which primary source document would give you insight into how the Great Chicago Fire affected working families?

Answer Expert Verified The primary source document that would give you an insight or insights into how the Great Chicago Fire affected working-class families is through a letter. Primary sources are physical documents that were presented during the event or experience and gives you an overview of what happened.

How is historiography history of history?

Historiography can very simply be defined as the history of history meaning historiography is the study of how history was written by whom and why it was recorded as such. Moreover it is a look at if and how historical events have been reinterpreted by historians over time and why.

What are two views that Americans have of the cause of the Civil War?

What caused the American Civil War? The south wanted slavery and the North wanted freedom subsequently leading to the tensions leading to the war. People with power can really have strong views. John Calhoun was the person who was for slavery and wanted to keep/expand slavery in the US.

Which source helps a historian best understand?

Primary sources are valuable to historians because they give insight into the ways in which historical figures understood or internalized what they experienced their place or significance in history and give historians an understanding of historical figures’ opinions.

Which source would help a historian best understand the effect?

Answer: To help the historians to understand the effects of the Great Chicago Fire had on families it is required to go to a public library to see if there are any primary sources like journal and photographs from that period.

What does historiography suggest about history?

It is a term used to refer to history and its principles of the historical records. … Historically historiography suggests that it is open to interpretation because it is a task-based on sensible analysis of different sources and validation of features found.

Why are primary sources important to historians?

Why are they useful? Primary sources refer to documents or other items that provide first-hand eyewitness accounts of events. … Historians use primary sources as the raw evidence to analyze and interpret the past. They publish secondary sources – often scholarly articles or books – that explain their interpretation.

How do primary sources help us understand history?

Primary sources are valuable to historians because they give insight into the ways in which historical figures understood or internalized what they experienced their place or significance in history and give historians an understanding of historical figures’ opinions. … Primary sources are clues from the past.

What is a primary source in history?

A primary source is a first-hand or contemporary account of an event or topic. They are the most direct evidence of a time or event because they were created by people or things that were there at the time or event. These sources have not been modified by interpretation and offer original thought or new information.

Why biography is primary source?

Yes an autobiography is a primary source. Authors of autobiographies are direct witnesses of the events and time described in the narration. … This book although edited provides direct evidence of Anne Frank’s experiences and is therefore considered a primary source.

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What is an example of a primary source?

Examples of primary sources:

Theses dissertations scholarly journal articles (research based) some government reports symposia and conference proceedings original artwork poems photographs speeches letters memos personal narratives diaries interviews autobiographies and correspondence.

How do you know if a document is primary or secondary?

A primary source gives you direct access to the subject of your research. Secondary sources provide second-hand information and commentary from other researchers. Examples include journal articles reviews and academic books. A secondary source describes interprets or synthesizes primary sources.

Which is the best example of a primary source document useful in the study of history?

A diary or personal account that was written during the time of the event etc.

What are primary research sources?

Primary sources are documents images or artifacts that provide firsthand testimony or direct evidence concerning an historical topic under research investigation. Primary sources are original documents created or experienced contemporaneously with the event being researched.

What is primary sources in Philippine history?

They include letters diaries journals newspapers photographs and other immediate accounts. The interpretation and evaluation of these sources becomes the basis for research.

Which type of historical evidence is a newspaper article?

“Primary source document” is the one type of factual testimony in the form of the newspaper article which was written shortly after the Great Chicago Fire.

Which type of resource are newspaper accounts written at the time an event occurred?

Primary source documents are newspaper accounts written at the time an event occurred.

What is a canceled US Treasury check for the purchase of Alaska an example of?

A canceled US Treasury check for the purchase of Alaska is an example of a C) primary source document.

Who writes the history?

A historian is a person who studies and writes about the past and is regarded as an authority on it. Historians are concerned with the continuous methodical narrative and research of past events as relating to the human race as well as the study of all history in time.

How do historian write history?

Historians write history in accordance with the sources available. Segments of evidence relating to the sources are gathered thoroughly examined and analyzed and then it is written as history.

Is historian are the only source of history?

Answer: This statement is FALSE.

What were the primary causes of the Civil War?

For nearly a century the people and politicians of the Northern and Southern states had been clashing over the issues that finally led to war: economic interests cultural values the power of the federal government to control the states and most importantly slavery in American society.

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What is a reason that some historians provide to explain why many Americans support the idea that state rights caused the Civil War?

Answer: A reason to explain why Americans support that idea is because they easily believe the popular vote and that they haven’t reasearched enought to know and back up what they are arguing.

What are the 3 main causes of the civil war quizlet?

Terms in this set (3)

  • Secession. the withdrawal of eleven Southern states from the Union in 1860 which precipitated the American Civil War. South carolina was the first. …
  • Slavery. SLavery in the south.
  • sectionalism. loyalty to a state or section rather than to the whole country.

Why do historians consider political cartoons to be credible resources in historical inquiry?

Historians consider political cartoons to be credible resources in historical inquiry because they give a true picture of the political environment in that particular time period. … Such cartoons are drawn by knowledgeable people who understand the public mindset very well.

Why is a work of art a primary source?

An actual work of art whether a painting or a building is a primary source. A primary source is “first-hand” information sources as close as possible to the origin of the information or idea under study. … Books written by the artist such as a journal/diary/autobiography/letters are examples of primary sources.

Which is the best source of historical evidence to learn about how an event unfolded quizlet?

Answer Expert Verified The best source of historical evidence to learn about how an event unfolded is a newspaper account written when the event occurred.

Which source would help a historian best understand the effect of the civil war on soldiers families?

Answer Expert Verified. Assuming that this is referring to the same list of options that was posted before with this question the correct response would be the “diary of a soldier during the war ” since this would give a first-hand account of the conflict.

The Civil War Part I: Crash Course US History #20

Primary and Secondary Sources in History Explained

Civil War Primary Source Lesson

Debunking the myth of the Lost Cause: A lie embedded in American history – Karen L. Cox

What does historiography suggest about history?

Historiography is the study of the history and methodology of history as a discipline. Briefly, it is the history of history. When you study historiography, you are not studying the past directly. Instead, you are studying the changing interpretations of past events through historians' eyes.

Which best describes the way photographs are considered by historians?

This is an Expert-Verified Answer The photographs that were taken are considered as secondary source off documents that are useful in the study of history.


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