What is the true solution to l n 20 + ln5 = 2 l n x = 5 x = 10 x = 50 x = 100


What is the true solution to l n 20 + ln5 = 2 l n x = 5 x = 10 x = 50 x = 100


Grade 9 · 2021-07-15

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What is the true solution to ln 20 + ln 5 = 2 ln x ?

What is the true solution to l n 20 + ln5 = 2 l n x = 5 x = 10 x = 50 x = 100


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What is the true solution to l n 20 + ln5 = 2 l n x = 5 x = 10 x = 50 x = 100


Grade 12 · 2021-06-19

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What is the true solution to In What is the true solution to In 20+ln 5=2ln x ? x= - Gauthmath ?

What is the true solution to l n 20 + ln5 = 2 l n x = 5 x = 10 x = 50 x = 100


Stanford University

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Algebra Examples

Solve for x natural log of 20+ natural log of 5=2 natural log of x

Step 1

Rewrite the equation as .

Step 2

Simplify by moving inside the logarithm.

Step 3

Use the product property of logarithms, .

Step 4

For the equation to be equal, the argument of the logarithms on both sides of the equation must be equal.

Step 5

Take the square root of both sides of the equation to eliminate the exponent on the left side.

Pull terms out from under the radical, assuming positive real numbers.

The complete solution is the result of both the positive and negative portions of the solution.

First, use the positive value of the to find the first solution.

Next, use the negative value of the to find the second solution.

The complete solution is the result of both the positive and negative portions of the solution.

Step 6

Exclude the solutions that do not make true.