Watch udemy, inc. nodejs - the complete guide mvc, rest apis, graphql, deno

NodeJS - The Complete Guide (MVC, REST APIs, GraphQL, Deno) by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (Udemy)

Master Node JS & Deno.js, build REST APIs with Node.js, GraphQL APIs, add Authentication, use MongoDB, SQL & much more!

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24.99 USD

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41 hours

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Good and beginner friendly (9%)

Great teacher and beginner friendly (8%)

Excellent and Practical (8%)

Engaging Instructor (8%)

Easy and useful (8%)

Course content

Optional: JavaScript - A Quick Refresher

Improved Development Workflow and Debugging

Working with Dynamic Content & Adding Templating Engines

The Model View Controller (MVC)

Optional: Enhancing the App

Dynamic Routes & Advanced Models

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This is the most comprehensive node. Js course on udemy and learn node in both a practical as well as theorybased way! This course will teach you all of that! from scratch with zero prior knowledge assumed . This is not a short course but it is the "complete guide" on node.Js after all .


Best review

You will probably learn a lot in this course!!!!!!! max is the best teacher in my honest opinion on this platform. I cannot thank you enough for all this content, guy! honestly, most valuable investment of money (course is really fairly priced!) great thing about video lectures, is that you can pause and repeat when things don't click. Apart from the actual node.Js I finally understood how the backend works overall. That support makes easy to recommend this course to anyone that wants to give a deep dive to nodejs.

Worst review

Before taking this course, I had a good understanding of nodejs. If the styling was done in a bit more paced manner, it would be easier to follow. Content is good but the instructor speaks very quickly so difficult to follow i think once I'm finished this course, I won't have the confidence to build something else because I won't have a strong understanding of how and why half the code worked. However, he spends too much time explaining unnecessary things that could be figured out with common sense.

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Join the most comprehensive Node.js course on Udemy and learn Node in both a practical as well as theory-based way.

This course was updated to also include sections on Deno.js - in addition to more than 30 hours of content on Node.js.

Node.js is probably THE most popular and modern server-side programming language you can dive into these days.

Node.js developers are in high demand and the language is used for everything from traditional web apps with server-side rendered views over REST APIs all the way up to GraphQL APIs and real-time web services. Not to mention its applications in build workflows for projects of all sizes.

This course will teach you all of that.  From scratch with zero prior knowledge assumed. Though if you do bring some knowledge, you'll of course be able to quickly jump into the course modules that are most interesting to you.

Here's what you'll learn in this course:

  • Node.js Basics & Basic Core Modules

  • Parsing Requests & Sending Responses

  • Rendering HTML Dynamically (on the Server)

  • Using Express.js

  • Working with Files and generating PDFs on the Server (on-the-fly)

  • File Up- and Download

  • Using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) Pattern

  • Using Node.js with SQL (MySQL) and Sequelize

  • Using Node.js with NoSQL (MongoDB) and Mongoose

  • Working with Sessions & Cookies

  • User Authentication and Authorization

  • Sending E-Mails

  • Validating User Input

  • Data Pagination

  • Handling Payments with Stripe.js

  • Building REST APIs

  • Authentication in REST APIs

  • File Upload in REST APIs

  • Building GraphQL APIs

  • Authentication in GraphQL APIs

  • File Upload in GraphQL APIs

  • Building a Realtime Node.js App with Websockets

  • Automated Testing (Unit Tests)

  • Deploying a Node.js Application

  • Using TypeScript with Node.js

  • Exploring Deno.js

  • And Way More.

Does this look like a lot of content? It certainly is.

This is not a short course but it is the "Complete Guide" on Node.js after all. We'll dive into a lot of topics and we'll not just scratch the surface.

We'll also not just walk through boring theory and some slides. Instead, we'll build two major projects: An online shop (including checkout + payments) and a blog.

All topics and features of the course will be shown and used in these projects and you'll therefore learn about them in a realistic environment.

Is this course for you?

If you got no Node.js experience, you'll love this course because it starts with zero knowledge assumed. It's the perfect course to become a Node.js developer.

If you got basic Node.js experience, this course is also a perfect match because you can go through the basic modules quickly and you'll benefit from all the deep dives and advanced topics the course covers.

Are you an advanced Node.js user? Check the curriculum then. Maybe you found no other course that shows how to use SQL with Node.js. Or you're interested in GraphQL. Chances are, that you'll get a lot of value out of this course, too.


  • NO Node.js knowledge is required at all.

  • NO other programming language knowledge (besides JavaScript, see next point) is required

  • Basic JavaScript knowledge is assumed though - you should at least be willing to pick it up whilst going through the course. A JS refresher module exists to bring you up to the latest syntax quickly

  • Basic HTML + CSS knowledge helps but is NOT required

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Rating4.7 based on 1,700 ratings
Length40.5 total hours
StartsOn Demand (Start anytime)
From Udemy
Instructors Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller, Maximilian Schwarzmüller, Academind by Maximilian Schwarzm端ller, Maximilian Schwarzm端ller
Download Videos Only via the Udemy mobile app
Language English
Subjects Programming
Tags Programming Languages Development

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What people are saying

so far so good

I like his clear and concise teaching style So far so good.

this course is really very easy to understand and useful so far so good This is an awesome course.

So far so good for me.

so far so good Temporary review while going through the course: Looks very promising!

i have taken your reactjs course and this course is also like that, concept clearing and syllabus according to the official docs is maximillian's unique thing so far so good Max is a great teacher.

well teached I have not gone through the whole course but so far so good So far so good.

Amazing The iPhone apps audio is out of sync So far So good, I hope this course meets my expectations This is an amazing course!

It seems to be fine so far: good explanations provided by the instructor who has an adorable German accent :) so far so good.

So far so good :) Before i done course react.

So far so good !

I like it so far so good.

So far so good.

Max always provides a really good knowledge to his students, thank you every much, keep providing such a fruitful content So far so good pretty darn good.

I'm on a third of the way done and so far so good, nothing too exceptional, some parts feel unnecessary, but it is a good experience overall.

rest api

I loved that this course gave an amazing kick start to REST API and GraphQl.

(REST API, GRAPHQL, TESTS, WebSocket...) are some very cool stuff to learn.

Los proyectos ejecutados durante el curso (web e-commerce con gestión y pagos, feed REST API con + migración de API a GraphQL) son perfectos para poner en práctica todos los conocimientos adquiridos.

Thanks Max, especially for introducing REST API and GraphQL!

the course has some very interesting sections that really help you understand better what is a REST api or more importantly ,show you how to run a frontend framework with a back end framework in the same time.

Had to learn lot of things in various areas like node.mong db,REST API,graphQL etc.

The rest API section was also great and detailed.

Max is really awesome in his lectures and makes the audience to clearly comprehend the concepts by writing code whether it is Node, or Express, or MVC, or REST APIs and keeps everything intact in building applications.

It does not really do what I need from it, but I can see there's clearly a lot of value for those that seek knowledge on how to build a full fledged app with Node, express, databases, REST api's etc.

websockets , GraphQL , REST API , Mongoose , and MySQL you will not find a course that cover all this content.

Then, you do REST API website!

Combining REST API, with web-sockets and front end framework REACT for Single Page Application.

While GRAPH QL API's one endpoint is interesting and did buy a course for it, I decided to go for REST API as it is proven.

till now

till now it's going very nice and fluent.

Till now I have gone through just a couple of lectures so I can't comment much on the course itself.

Amazing experience till now.

its been good so far ... a brief intro about node and basic set up to sstart with development ... loving it uptill now ..

Another great course by Max amazing content It was suppose to be intermediate level but till now its very basic, not worth for a working professional Yes awesome good cool I finished the course and amazing nodejs course, rich in content and information, from setting up a nodejs server just using core nodejs modules, and then using Express throughout the course, showing different ways to set up nodejs server from sendings views to the client to a more modern RESTAPI that can provide data to both html non html UI, to a new take of Graphql to use queries to exchange data.

Explained in Simple way, And Covered advanced topics also Perfekt erklärt excellent thorough and well delivered material Till now goes well, looking forward for next chapters Excellent 課程講解清楚,有幫助:) Exelent teacher, i really really like javascript overview.

Till now its good why It was Yes I do like it It's Max, he's a fine teacher, I'm a person who wants to learn me a few things, we mix like gasoline and flame, it powers a V8 engine buenisimo The author have gives clear explanation in much area, not only complete but also inspirational for beginner like me 5 thumbs up!!!

im still waiting to get deeper till now its good !!

Did Angular with Max too, this course meets expectations till now...and keeps getting better I love this course, great job!

Now, I have to dig in the provided source files and compare one by one to find what changed... and sometimes missed a thing and debug for a while... Till now its best Thank you for this course max great inspector is explin very clear the tupics The instructor is awesome.

Till now it is very good.... As the other courses I'm doing with this instructor (React and React Native) everything just fits together nicely.

till now its good....excited for upcoming lectures So far I really like it.

easy to follow along

Very informative and easy to follow along.

Is also very easy to follow along knowing only the fundamentals, but for questions there is great support from Max and Teaching Assistants (this is a BIG plus).

Lots of good information, pretty easy to follow along at times, no opportunities to practice late in the course, which would be nice - as that's when it gets much more complex Great course to learn NodeJS :) I just learned JavaScript Stuff that I've haven't seen in years!

The instructor is easy to follow along and gives very clear and precise presentations that help me to better be able to grasp these concepts.

You explain everything in plain English and it makes the lectures dead easy to follow along with.

So far the instructions are clear and it is easy to follow along and learn.

best instructor on udemy

For me, he is the best instructor on Udemy Good course.

He is one of the best instructor on udemy.

Max is by far the best instructor on Udemy.

Maximilian Schwarzmüller is certainly the best instructor on Udemy and no courses on Udemy or any other course be on any platform can match the quality that Max delivers.

The course is well-enough in order to learn NodeJS but In my opinion, there is a lot of content of server-side rendering and not too much of rest APIS Max is probably the best instructor on Udemy.

Max is easily the best instructor on Udemy.

highly recommend this course

I would highly recommend this course to anyone starting in Node js, or for a refresher for those who already know some Node js.

I would highly recommend this course not only for beginners, but as a refresher for those who have done some prior study.

yeah so far the cource is great and it gives a deep knowledge about the particular domain..happy to bought that cource .. thank you If you want a complete overview of Node I would highly recommend this course.

I highly recommend this course for beginners.

I highly recommend this course -- or any of Max's courses.

Highly recommend this course.

highly recommended

this course is highly recommended for developers who want go to the top and with a really strong desire.

Max's courses are always highly recommended by myself.

Highly recommended It's the perfect guide for a beginner.

Highly recommended.

Highly recommended for those who take learning to code seriously!

Highly recommended for new beginners like me :) Max is great instructor and he gives answers to your questions/messages as soon as possible :) Max is the best.

as usual

As usual, a great course and a great experience with Max's courses Its very good.

The course is well explained as usual and considers all level of learners.

Excellent coverage of concepts for anyone to start building Live Apps As usual Max's teaching style is very engaging and he gets into the depth with very well devised course plan.

As usual, Maximilian always has great, in-depth and practical explanations.

Cool as usual.

So far so good, it is meeting the expectations, clear as usual, with his own personal style (superb as his ReactJS Course on Udemy) Every content can be understand easily, and prove working.

As usual Maximilian delieveres the goods ;) So far fantastic...I was looking for this level of training drive...thanks..i hope to see its continuity in all the upcoming lectures Cool dude, know him already from youtube.

Max as usual is splendid..

Good I like all lectures so far Hyped up :0 Yes by all means Max as usual is always great!

step by step

Max is very pedagogical and takes you step by step from the basics to the more advanced.

Your knowledge is being built up step by step yet not too solw but in a fun and pleasent way.

In my opinion, if you follow along step by step, by the time you complete this course you will be a very competent developer.

Explained very nicely step by step, Good It's the greatest explanation!!!

The instructor is walking through this course step by step and explains everything in a clear and understandable way.

full stack

I personally wanted to get better with a full stack dev project and this course is perfect.

This was an extremely helpful course to dive into full stack development.

I am a certified Front-end web developer with a fair amount of of full stack experience.

This is a very good course for beginners who want to board the ship of full stack development through node.

Thorough explanation of different full stack web application approaches using NodeJS.

Anyhow, just a suggestion, others might not have said it or requested but i'd love if you would make a course on MERN - Full stack of it!

I'm looking at using Node.js in an upcoming full stack development effort (moving from php) and have been looking for the opportunity to get a chance to dig in... Well structured and organised , we as students actually expect more and more content from this amazing instructor here !

'); I am totally new to the Node.Js and this itself make me confident that till the completion of the course, I will be able to write good code in Node.Js ... Im a front end developer and I have been expanding my skills to be full stack with vue and the .net framework and I can already see similarities in structuring the back end code in code in node.js and c# and I am really excited to be able to write es6 in the backend!

front end

Explains well and in detail I got this course to learn more about back-end development, I knew that to learn back-end you needed some front end, so I really appreciated that.

It isn't until Section 24 where you learn back-end, however I'd definitely listen to the first 5 lectures to understand how the server works, with a little of front end dev.

I'm primarily a front end React Dev, but need to build some Apollo Servers no AWS Lambdas, and thought I new a bit bout Node.

He teaches in a very friendly manner and knows everything about front end development, so if there is any inter related topic, there is always a link to one of his free videos or for more depth, another complete course taught by him.

Max is really good teacher, i have many of his courses and all are really good.. great course What i love about Maximilian 's course it comprehensive, i don't have to buy another course at the same topic :) Thanks Maximilian for that great course There are two missing topic here and i think it will be the most and only complete course about nodejs * Caching * Testing Explaining what's going on under the hood is the thing which I don't see in other courses... Love this course ☺️ I am a Front End Developer.

I have been learning with Maximillian for a while now with all front end frameworks and he is the best.

for example

For example i want to learn express with mongodb, but i had to watch all the mysql module as well because we start the mongodb module with latest code that written in the mysql module and some part of the code is not explained in mongodb module.

for example: Do more than half of the course with callback and promise and in the end explain async await, why?

For example, react hooks , he updates in no time after hooks are out.

Excellent Course material, however there has been so far some things that is a bit confusing which i wish he could have explained better, for example the 'this' keyword being in an arrow function block, the result of using '' was undefined and by having '' in traditional function declaration it worked.

The only thing that can be improve is Windows related feedback, for example with the images, this feedback was received during the Rest modules, but you hit the issue on generating the image ids when you are building the shop earlier, although this help me create my own solution.

It can be sometimes a little confusing to follow the project we are creating, because for example, when doing databases there are many things to follow.

For Example - You do it with only mongodb, then you do it with mongoose (a framework for mongodb).

For example, the app object (from Express) has a few different methods that do the exact same thing - the app.get method routes GET requests and the method routes POST requests.

For example, when he was explaining how to write the pathname for the res.sendfile() method in a module that was to be imported into the main application file, he skipped over the fact that the method would be called from the main application file (execution context), but that the pathname would still be relative to the module's directory due to closure.


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