Transferir arquivos do MEGA para Google Drive

  • White Paper - Keep Your PCs Safe while Surfing the Web 13 de junho de 2013

    "Keep Your PCs Safe while Surfing the Web"Learn how Qualys BrowserCheck can make sure your PCs and browsers are up to date.The Web has become a hub of information and productivity, making the web browser one of the most-used applications. This has drawn the attention of cyber criminals—making it a potential Achilles heel for security. […]

  • White Paper - Security and Trust: The Backbone of Doing Business Over the Internet 5 de junho de 2013

    "Security and Trust: The Backbone of Doing Business Over the Internet"Gaining the trust of online customers is vital for the success of any company that requires sensitive data to be transmitted over the Web. Most consumers are concerned that their sensitive information will be intercepted in-transit, or perhaps the destination web site is manned by […]

  • Whitepaper - The Importance of DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance) 28 de maio de 2013

    "The Importance of DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance)"With over 144 billion emails sent every day, spammers and phishers have a rapidly growing playground for their attacks.Keeping your customers safe goes hand in hand with keeping them happy. For instance, customers are 42% less likely to do business with a company that has undergone […]

  • eBook - A guide to programming Linux kernel modules 21 de maio de 2013

    "The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide"A guide to programming Linux kernel modules.An excellent guide for anyone wishing to get started on kernel module programming. The author takes a hands-on approach starting with writing a small "hello, world" program, and quickly moves from there.Far from a boring text on programming, Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide has […]

  • eBook - Understanding the Linux Virtual Memory Manager 13 de maio de 2013

    "Understanding the Linux Virtual Memory Manager"Finally, a comprehensive guide to the Linux VM! This book describes VM in unprecedented detail, presenting both theoretical foundations and a line-by-line source code commentary.VM's behavior affects every Linux kernel subsystem and dramatically impacts overall performance. But until now, there was only one way to understand VM: study the poorly […]

  • eBook - Beginner's Guide to SSL Certificates 6 de maio de 2013

    "Beginner's Guide to SSL Certificates: Making the Best Choice When Considering Your Online Security Options"SSL stands for “Secure Socket Layer.” It is a technology that establishes a secure session link between the visitor's web browser and your website so that all communications transmitted through this link are encrypted and are, therefore, secure. SSL is also […]

  • eBook - Managing Linux Systems with Webmin 2 de maio de 2013

    "Managing Linux Systems with Webmin System Administration and Module Development - Free 808 page eBook"Easy, browser-based Linux/UNIX administration with Webmin--step by step.Webmin gives you an easy, browser-based solution for virtually any day-to-day Linux/UNIX administration task. Now, there's a definitive Webmin guide for every beginning-to-intermediate sysadmin. Written by Webmin's primary developer, Managing Linux® Systems with Webmin; […]

  • eBook - Linux Patch Management: Keeping Linux Systems Up To Date 23 de abril de 2013

    "Linux Patch Management: Keeping Linux® Systems Up To Date"Linux® Patch Management offers Linux professionals start-to-finish solutions, strategies, and examples for every environment, from single computers to enterprise-class networks.Michael Jang presents patching solutions for Red Hat, Fedora, SUSE, Debian, and other distributions. He systematically covers both distribution-specific tools and widely used community tools, such as apt […]

  • eBook - User Mode Linux 15 de abril de 2013

    "User Mode Linux®"In this book, you'll find authoritative advice on bootup, compilation, administration, specialized configurations, and much more.With User Mode Linux®; you can create virtual Linux machines within a Linux computer and use them to safely test and debug applications, network services, and even kernels. You can try out new distributions, experiment with buggy software, […]

  • eBook - Java Application Development on Linux 11 de abril de 2013

    "Java™ Application Development on Linux® - Free 599 Page eBook"Linux is the fastest-growing Java development platform because it saves money and time by serving as a platform for both development and deployment. But developers face significant platform-specific challenges when managing and deploying Java applications in a controlled production environment.Written for Java and Linux developers alike, […]

  • eBook - Linux Quick Fix Notebook 3 de abril de 2013

    Instant access to precise, step-by-step solutions for every essential Linux administration task from basic configuration and troubleshooting to advanced security and optimization.If you're responsible for delivering results with Linux, Linux® Quick Fix Notebook brings together all the step-by-step instructions, precise configuration commands, and real-world guidance you need. This distilled, focused, task-centered guide was written for […]

  • White Paper - There's an App for That, But is it Secure? 26 de março de 2013

    "There's an App for That, But is it Secure?"This Tech Dossier will outline proven best practices to mitigate risk and embrace mobility without trepidation.Security has eroded over the past decade as companies strive to create applications for multiple platforms by farming design and development out to subcontractors. This trend has strained the processes and governance […]

  • Display Dialog boxes from shell scripts - Whiptail 26 de março de 2013

    whiptail is a lightweight replacement for dialog, to provide dialog boxes for shell scripts. It is built on the newt windowing library rather than the ncurses library, allowing it to be smaller in embedded environments such as installers, rescue disks, etc.Currently, these types of dialog boxes are implemented:yes/no box, menu box, input box, message box, text box, […]

  • Securely erase files and partition from magnetic media - Wipe 25 de março de 2013

    Recovery of supposedly erased data from magnetic media is easier than what many people wouldlike to believe. A technique called Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM)  allows  any  moderately funded  opponent  to recover  the  last  two  or three layers of data written to disk; wipe repeatedly overwrites special patterns to the files to be destroyed, using the […]

  • Convert webpages (HTML) to PDF using webkit - wkhtmltopdf 22 de março de 2013

    Wkhtmltopdf is a command line utility that can be used to convert  a webpage / html to  PDF.Wkhtmltopdf Features: * Convert web pages into PDF documents using webkit * Adding headers and footers (static version only) * TOC generation (static version only) * Batch mode conversions * (Linux) No longer requires an XServer to be running (however the X11 client […]

  • Como transferir arquivos do MEGA para o drive?

    Clique com o botão direito nos arquivos de destino que você deseja transferir do MEGA para o Google Drive. Clique em "Copiar para". A seguir, escolha Google Drive como destino e cilque em "OK".

    Como transferir um arquivo para o Google Drive?

    Upload de arquivo ou Upload de pasta. Escolha o arquivo ou a pasta que você quer enviar por upload..
    Acesse no computador..
    Abra ou crie uma pasta..
    Para fazer upload de arquivos e pastas, arraste-os para a pasta do Google Drive..

    Quantos megas tem no Google Drive?

    Sua Conta do Google começa com 15 GB de armazenamento em nuvem para usar no Google Drive, Gmail e Google Fotos. Você poderá comprar mais espaço de armazenamento no Google Drive ou fazer upgrade para o Google One se quiser outros benefícios.

    Como transferir arquivos de uma conta para outra no MEGA?

    ​ Clique na aba Compartilhamento:.
    ​ Clique em Compartilhamento Avançado:.
    ​ Selecione a opção Compartilhar a pasta e clique no botão Permissões:.
    ​ O usuário Todos já estará listado, no campo Permissões para Todos, selecione Controle total e clique no botão OK:.
    Clique no botão OK; ... .
    ​ ... .
    ​ ... .


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