Population per square mile east riding of yorkshire

In 2020, there were 602k residents in East Riding of Yorkshire county with an average age of 42.4 years. Population density was 243 residents per square kilometer. Population grew by 6.0% since 2002 and population average age increased by 2.8 years in the same period. Based on Census, there were 2.31 residents per household in 2011.


total residents
estimates 2020


average age
estimates 2020


population density
estimates 2020


residents per household
Census 2011

East Riding of Yorkshire population density map

shows a number of residents per square kilometer(km2), estimates from 2018.

Population per square mile east riding of yorkshire

East Riding of Yorkshire population average age map

Population average age by LSOA (County) in 2018.

Population per square mile east riding of yorkshire

East Riding of Yorkshire population growth

Total population per year outlines headcount differences.

Population per square mile east riding of yorkshire

East Riding of Yorkshire births and deaths

by year. Figures are for deaths registered, rather than deaths occurring in each calendar year. It can take months for a death referred to a coroner to be registered.

Population per square mile east riding of yorkshire

Plumplot area insights - interactive charts and maps

Population per square mile east riding of yorkshire

East Riding of Yorkshire population pyramid

shows the distribution of various age groups in a population in 2020. Females are shown on the left, males are shown on the right.

Population per square mile east riding of yorkshire

East Riding of Yorkshire population share by decade of age

Shares of population age groups compared to corresponding shares of population groups in England & Wales, 2020.

Population per square mile east riding of yorkshire

East Riding of Yorkshire working age population share

Working age population share compared to working age population share in England & Wales, 2020.

Population per square mile east riding of yorkshire

age grouphead-count% share of population% for Eng & Wales
0-15 108k 18.0% 19.1%
16-64 364k 60.4% 62.2%
65+ 130k 21.6% 18.6%

East Riding of Yorkshire average age rank

Comparison of counties average ages, 2020 population estimates.


East Riding of Yorkshire
average age


England & Wales
average age

Population per square mile east riding of yorkshire

East Riding of Yorkshire population average age

Annual area statistics of East Riding of Yorkshire's population average age compared to country statistics.

Population per square mile east riding of yorkshire

East Riding of Yorkshire residential areas map

Purple-colored areas are business or industrial areas. Green-colored areas provide quieter surroundings and better living. Map is based on a UK Census 2011 data. Colors calculated from the ratio of number of residents divided by a number of workday people.

Population per square mile east riding of yorkshire

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Area selected: East Riding of Yorkshire

Population Population Density Population Growth

Area type

Unitary Authority

Land area

2,405 square kilometres

international migration


East Riding of Yorkshire Population

The population of East Riding of Yorkshire is 343,201 according to mid-2020 population figures published by the ONS. Based on recent growth rates we estimate the current 2022 population of East Riding of Yorkshire to be 347,293. In the year between mid-2019 and mid-2020, the population in East Riding of Yorkshire grew by an estimated 2,028 people, and in the ten years prior to mid-2020, the population grew by 8,528. Compare population by area.

East Riding of Yorkshire's population growth rate between mid-2019 and mid-2020 was 0.6%, which is 0.3% higher than the average population growth rate in East Riding of Yorkshire for the ten years prior to mid-2020 (0.3%).

East Riding of Yorkshire covers an area of 2,405 square kilometres (929 square miles) and has a population density of 143 people per square kilometre (km2), based on the latest population estimates taken in mid-2020. That figure has increased by 4 people per km2 over the past decade.

Compared to England's figures

  • East Riding of Yorkshire's population of 343,201 is equivalent to 0.6% of England's 56,550,138 total population. East Riding of Yorkshire is the 13th unitary authority in England (of 59 total) when ordered by total population.
  • East Riding of Yorkshire's population growth rate of 0.59% is 0.13% higher than England's current population growth rate of 0.47%. East Riding of Yorkshire is the 16th unitary authority in England (of 59 total) when ordered by population growth rate.
  • East Riding of Yorkshire's population density of 143 people per km2 is 291 people per km2 lower than England's 434 people per km2. East Riding of Yorkshire is the 54th Unitary Authority in England (of 59 total) when ordered by population density.

What causes population change in East Riding of Yorkshire

Between mid-2019 and mid-2020, net internal migration into East Riding of Yorkshire was 2,931, and net international migration into East Riding of Yorkshire was 352.

East Riding of Yorkshire's fertility rate (the total number of children that would be born to the average woman in East Riding of Yorkshire if she were to live to the end of her child-bearing years) of 1.65, and birth rate (the number of live births per thousand of population per year) of 7.8, led to population increases of 2,671 during the year, and East Riding of Yorkshire's death rate or mortality rate (the number of deaths per thousand of population per year) of 12.7 resulted in a 4,349 population decrease. In total, a net 1,678 person natural decrease.

Compared to figures for England

  • East Riding of Yorkshire's fertility rate of 1.65 is 0.06 higher than England's fertility rate of 1.59
  • East Riding of Yorkshire's birth rate of 7.8 births per thousand people is 2.9 lower than England's birth rate, and East Riding of Yorkshire's death rate or mortality rate of 12.7 people per thousand is 2.7 higher than England's death rate
  • East Riding of Yorkshire's annual net international migration rate of 0.10% is below the English average of 0.4%

Historic East Riding of Yorkshire Population Change Components

During the past decade, internal migration has risen from a net inflow of 1,552 in 2011 to a net 2,931 inflow. International migration has fallen from a net inflow of 661 in 2011 to an inflow of 352 in 2020.

The natural increase in population, due to births and deaths, has fallen from an annual net increase of -460 people in 2011 to -1,678 in 2020.

Internal migration was the largest driver of population change over the past decade, representing circa 161% of the total change in population (over 100% as other factors were net outflows).

East Riding of Yorkshire historic population from 2011 to 2020

East Riding of Yorkshire's population, population density, and population growth rate, over the past decade.

Figures reported by the ONS in 2021.

East Riding of Yorkshire forecast population from 2023 to 2043

East Riding of Yorkshire's forecast, population density, and population growth rate, over the next twenty years. Figures reported by the ONS in 2018.

The population of East Riding of Yorkshire is forecast to be 348,423 in 2025 and 352,671 in 2030.

Discover more

Areas near East Riding of Yorkshire

Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0. Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2021. Data sources: ONS Local statistics

How many people are in East Riding?

A map shows the English regions and Wales. In East Riding of Yorkshire, the population size has increased by 2.4%, from around 334,200 in 2011 to 342,200 in 2021.

What is the population of Bridlington in 2021?

Bridlington (Population 37,000) is the second largest town on the Yorkshire coast and the largest town in East Yorkshire.

Is East Riding a nice place to live?

Blessed with rural beauty, bustling towns and a dramatic coastline, East Riding makes a wonderful place to call home. Affordable property prices make living here even more appealing, with luxurious city-centre apartments, quiet suburban new builds and charming country cottages to choose from.

What is the population of Driffield?

Welcome to Driffield. With a population of around 14,000, it has a bustling town centre with many high street stores and independent shops, and is surrounded by charming villages and tranquil rolling countryside.