Is dramamine safe for dogs

Last Updated on May 15, 2020

Are you wondering if Dramamine is a safe solution for your dog’s nausea and/or vomiting?

You aren’t alone. It’s pretty common for canines to have feelings of motion sickness or unexplained queasiness.

Here’s the deal:

Dramamine works for animals too. In general, the drug can be given to dogs.

With that being said, natural solutions are preferred. Keep reading for everything you need to know!

Dogs Can Take Dramamine

Dimenhydrinate, the active ingredient, can be a quick fix and veterinarians do prescribe it.

Dramamine, just like Benadryl, is fairly safe for dogs when properly dosed. However, side effects can and do occur.

For one, your dog may get overly drowsy. Another concern would be increased sensitivity to the sun.

Dramamine can be very harmful to a pet dog’s pregnancy.

We’ll talk more about adverse effects in a bit. For now let’s turn to dosing…

Dog Dosage And Directions

2-4 milligrams of Dramamine per pound of body weight is OK for most dogs.

A correct dose may require breaking tablets up.

Conservatively provide Dramamine to your dog 30 minutes to 1 hour prior to travel — the time delay will mean they’ll be relaxed upon entering the vehicle.

Avoid administering the product more than 3 times daily!

FYI: Dramamine comes in the original formula, Non-Drowsy Naturals, chewables form as well as a kids version. The non-drowsy kind may contain a bit too much ginger.

Another Dimenhydrinate Use

So it’s widely known that OTC Dramamine can effectively sedate a pet dog. This lethargy, in turn, tends to reduce feelings of motion sickness.

Watch this video:

Interestingly, Dramamine can also treat Vestibular Disease in geriatrics. This idiopathic balance disturbance is often mistaken for a stroke!

Whatever the situation, speak with your vet before giving your dog Dimenhydrinate.

Natural Solutions And Tips

Putting your dog in the car and going nearly nowhere (as a 1st step) could eventually eliminate motion sickness.

Simply lengthen trips, over time, until travel isn’t so traumatic. This technique is much preferred to antiemetics like Dramamine.

For a pet-friendly product, look into calming soft chew treats.

Last but not least, pure ginger is a remedy worth trying because it has properties that can relieve nausea.

An Empty Stomach Helps

Try withholding food for at least 8 hours prior to travel.

The fact is hunger can reduce motion sickness AKA Kinetosis.

Observe how your dog does under different scenarios. Perhaps you can avoid using Dramamine, or something similar like Meclizine, all-together.

Dramamine’s Side Effects

Dimenhydrinate, like all antihistamines, may negatively affect your dog in a variety of ways.

Dramamine, in particular, is known to cause dry mouth and urination difficulty. A loss of appetite, vomiting and/or diarrhea are also not uncommon.

Discontinue Dramamine (AKA Gravol) if it causes your dog problems.

Overdose Warning Signs

Sadly, it is easy to overdose on Dramamine. It happens all the time.

Concerning symptoms include:

  • Seizures
  • Respiratory problems
  • Extreme lethargy
  • Coma

Obviously these all require immediate assistance.

The Bottom Line

Dramamine can be given to your dog for motion sickness or general feelings of nausea.

Of course, it’s always best to consult with your vet first.

Otherwise, be super careful with dosing and familiarize yourself with what could go wrong. Keep a watchful eye on your pet during use.

Alternatively, try natural remedies to manage your dog’s travel uneasiness.

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Pet Carsickness - Does your pet suffer when traveling in the car?

Traveling in a car can be stressful for your pet

The first thing to realize when dealing with your pet's car sickness is that, in 95% of cases, it is stress related and not motion related.

Pets are comfortable in a familiar environment and removing your pet from its environment will cause stress unless your pet is accustomed to it.

Your pet may relate to a car trip with being taken away from its first home, or trips to the vet or even worse, the kennel. So, it's not surprising that subsequent rides in a car should evoke very strong mental and subsequent physical trauma.

Solutions for stress-related car sickness in pets

Get a carrier or crate and get your pet accustomed to being in it at home. Put familiar things in it and encourage your pet to use it. Treats are excellent for coaxing a pet into a carrier or crate. Always leave the door to the crate of entrance to the carrier open and let your pet come and go as they please. This will take a while, but your pet needs to understand that their carrier or crate is a comfortable and safe place.

Start taking short, frequent trips in the car with your pet in their crate or carrier. At first, trips can be only a minute or so. Then graduate to longer periods of time. Position your pet more in the front of the car if possible.

Find a park or open space about 5-10 minutes from home, ideally have someone else in the car too, to soothe the dog and distract them from the ride. Keep your pet happy all the way to the park. When at the park do all the enjoyable things that a dog loves, fetch the ball, and chase the Frisbee. The stay at the park doesn't need to be that long. It just needs to be as enjoyable as possible. Then soothe your pet all the way home again. When you reach home, make just as much fuss as you did at the park. Finish the session with his meal or a treat if time and conditions permit. Try doing this as frequently as you can.

Pets are comfortable with habits and associate strongly with past experiences. Now your pet will now associate car travel with fun times. Always praise your pet for good behavior and never punish them should they get sick in the car. Just keep working with them and things should improve. If not, ask your veterinarian whether their could be a health issue with your pet's health.

Instead of dramamine for your dog, consider an all natural pet calmer that will address stress related sickness.

You can ask your veterinarin about a medication called Cerenia that will help deter vomiting in dogs.

Travel on empty

Generally, it's a good idea not to feed your pet within four hours before embarking on a road trip. Having an empty stomach will make your pet less likely to throw up, and if he does get sick, there's nothing solid to deal with. Giving your pet water, however, won't upset his stomach and may make him more comfortable.

While some pets travel best on an empty stomach, others will feel more comfortable after eating a small meal. Some pets just need a little food in their stomach to help keep them from getting sick.

Take frequent rest breaks

While some pets can travel for hours without having problems, others start getting queasy after a few miles. Get to know your pet's pattern and stop at least every hour or two to take a quick walk to help your pet get his land-legs back.

Distration Action

Try having a passenger distract your pet with a toy. A favorite pull toy or old sock may just take your pet's mind off its surroundings for a while. Certainly, added attention will accomplish this effectively.

Be up-front with your pet

There's not as much movement in the front of the car as in the back, so it might help your pet if you let him ride in the front seat, but make sure they are in a dog harness or a small kennel that buckles into the seat. Another consideration would be whether your car has dual airbags. This may cause your pet harm or great distress if these are released in the case of an accident. Regardless, try to position your pet so it is facing forward in the car.

Expand their horizons

Pets, like people, are less likely to get carsick when they can watch the passing scenery. There are pet car seats that will elevate smaller to medium pets to allow them to look out the window while still being harnessed.

Crank down the windows

Fresh air is good for anyone who's feeling a little carsick, including your dog or cat, but don't open the window enough so he can escape or get his head out the window. This can be especially damaging to a pet's eyes.

Try a different set of wheels

If other remedies suggested here fail, try a larger vehicle. Sometimes the added stability of a larger vehicle can help. Certainly worth a try.

A motion potion may do the trick

When all else fails, Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) -- the same drug people take to ward off car sickness -- also works for pets. Medium to large dogs should be given 25 to 50 milligrams of Dramamine at least an hour before traveling in a car, cats and small dogs should get about 12.5 milligrams. Be sure to check with your vet before giving your pet any medicinal product. We recommend an all natural pet calmer. You can also try a more holistic approach with ginger, chamomile or peppermint. Best to experiment on solid ground to be sure your pet can tolerate these herbs.

Need More Information?

We have current and accurate information on traveling with your pet by air, sea or ground. Find more Pet Travel Information

If you have questions, you can post them directly to our Facebook page, blog, forum. We will answer them as soon as we can.

How much Dramamine can I give to my dog?

Medium to large dogs should be given 25 to 50 milligrams of Dramamine at least an hour before traveling in a car, cats and small dogs should get about 12.5 milligrams. Be sure to check with your vet before giving your pet any medicinal product. We recommend an all natural pet calmer.

Can human Dramamine be given to dogs?

Common human travel sickness tablets that can be used for dogs include: Dramamine or Gravol, active ingredient: dimenhydrinate. Dosing for dogs: 4 to 8 mg per kilogram of your dog's weight, up to 3 times daily.

What will Dramamine do to a dog?

Dimenhydrinate (brand names: Dramamine®, Gravol®, Travtabs®, Driminate®, Triptone®) is an antihistamine used to prevent motion sickness and to treat nausea, especially in dogs with vestibular disease. It has also been used for its sedative properties and to reduce itchiness associated with allergies.

Is Benadryl or Dramamine better for dogs?

Benadryl and Dramamine Dramamine may be better tolerated given with a small amount of food. Benadryl can have potential gastrointestinal effects such as vomiting, diarrhea, and decreased appetite.


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