Amazon web services (aws): essencial [author] videos

What solutions are available for processing video-on-demand content on AWS?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides two media solutions to cost-effectively deliver video-on-demand (VOD) content to global audiences using the AWS Cloud. The Video on Demand on AWS solution, and the Video on Demand on AWS Foundation solution both provision the AWS services required to build scalable, distributed VOD processing and delivery workflows. This page provides guidance to choose the streaming solution that best fits your needs.

Video on Demand on AWS Foundation

This solution is designed to help you start encoding video files with AWS Elemental MediaConvert. It can be easily customized and used as the starting point to create a more complex workflow.

Out of the box, this solution helps you to accomplish the following:

  • Automatically transcode videos uploaded to S3 into formats suitable for playback on a wide range of devices.
  • Customize MediaConvert job settings by uploading your own file and using different job settings for different inputs.
  • Store transcoded files in a destination bucket and use Amazon CloudFront to deliver to end viewers.

In addition to the transcoded video, the outputs include input file metadata, job settings, and output details. These outputs are stored in a separate JSON file that can be used for further processing.

Video on Demand on AWS

This solution extends the Video on Demand on AWS Foundation solution with additional features and several options that can be customized.


This solution provides the following features:

  • Amazon Step Functions orchestration of the ingest, transcoding (including pre-and post-processing steps), and publishing steps of the workflow.
  • Choice of video file or metadata file trigger.
  • Delivery of videos to viewers with Amazon CloudFront, formatted for playback on a wide range of devices.
  • Input file metadata, job settings, and output details storage in a DynamoDB table for easy access by downstream consumers.
  • Optional automated archive of video inputs to help reduce storage costs.

With this solution, you can also choose to use AWS Elemental MediaPackage for packaging content into different formats and to apply digital rights management (DRM). MediaPackage can reduce storage costs for the outputs; however, there is a trade-off between packaging costs and storage costs.

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  • Video on Demand on AWS Foundation

  • Video on Demand on AWS Foundation

  • Video on Demand on AWS Foundation Solutions Implementation overview

    The diagram below presents the serverless architecture you can automatically deploy using the solution's implementation guide and accompanying AWS CloudFormation template.

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    Video on Demand on AWS Foundation Solutions Implementation architecture

    The AWS CloudFormation template deploys the following infrastructure:

    1. An Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket to store source video files. A sample job settings file, used to define the encoding settings for MediaConvert, is uploaded to the source S3 bucket.
    2. An AWS Lambda function to create the encoding jobs in AWS Elemental MediaConvert.
    3. MediaConvert transcodes the video into HLS Adaptive Bitrate files.
    4. Amazon CloudWatch tracks encoding jobs in MediaConvert and invokes the Lambda job complete function.
    5. A Lambda job complete function to process the outputs.
    6. An Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic to send notifications of completed jobs.
    7. A destination S3 bucket to store the outputs from MediaConvert.
    8. Amazon CloudFront is configured with the destination S3 bucket as the origin for global distribution of the transcoded video content.

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  • Video on Demand on AWS

  • Video on Demand on AWS Solutions Implementation overview

    The diagram below presents the serverless architecture you can automatically deploy using the solution's implementation guide and accompanying AWS CloudFormation template.

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    Video on Demand on AWS Solutions Implementation architecture

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Reference implementation

Leverage the Video on Demand on AWS solution or the Video on Demand on AWS Foundation solution as a reference implementation to automatically provision the AWS services necessary to build a scalable, distributed video-on-demand workflow.


The Video on Demand on AWS Foundation solution can be easily customized and used as the starting point to create a more complex workflow. Alternatively, the Video on Demand on AWS solution leverages AWS Step Functions, which breaks the workflow into individual steps, making it easier to customize or extend the architecture for your specific video-on-demand needs.

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LactApp is making breastfeeding education simpler and more accessible by supporting video content using streaming solutions from AWS.

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AWS Media Blog

Introducing the Video On Demand on AWS Foundation Solution

Customers told us that the existing Video on Demand on AWS solution has more features than required for some transcoding workflows. To solve this, we created a new solution called Video On Demand (VOD) on AWS Foundation that is now available in the AWS Solutions Library.

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